Wednesday 6 October 2010

Band Poster

A poster for a band going on tour -

The reason I chose this image was because of the simplicity of it, which would fit in perfectly with the text I have used. I didn't want the image to be too busy and to get straight to the point. The point being the Bands tour dates and website information.

What I did in Photoshop -
  • Desaturate
  • Brightness - 0, Contrast 71
  • Input Levels - Custom - RGB - 5, 1.02, 252
  • Output Levels - 0, 252
  • Filter - Grain - Intensity - 59, Contrast - 66, Grain Type - Regular
  • Text - Drop Shadow - Blend mode - Luminosity - Opacity, 100% - Angle 30 (use global light), Distance - 79px, Spread - 30%, Size -57px, Noise - 43%, - Flatten Image -

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