Wednesday 29 September 2010

Taking Pictures To Turn Into Band Flyers & Posters

Today our task was to go out into Burton and take pictures so we could then turn them into band flyers/posters.

Here are the pictures I took -

I decided to go with the following picture because I loved the extremeness of the image, after using photoshop the image became even more extreme and I loved the colours. I decided to use an internet tutorial to blend the text into the wall to make it also look like it was graffiti, although it didn't come out exactly how I wished it had, I had wanted it to become more like graffiti and blend in a little better. All in all I am very happy with my efforts and first go at making something like this.

Through Photoshop I -  
  • Inverted the picture
  • Used Vibrance (+86 +100)
  • With Variations I chose "More Magenta"
  • I then used a filter "Poster Edges" (Edge thickness 2, Intensity 1, Poster 2)
For the text - Dulsan - A means of combat - 8/9/10 - I used a tutorial from the internet as I had never used photoshop for text effects (Link to be posted as soon as I can find it)

Link to Text Tutorial -

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