Wednesday 20 October 2010

Location Shots

To be uploaded..........

Studio Shots

I had alot inspiration for my studio shoot, I looked on Google to find some images of Beyonce, Lady Gaga.

Looking at styles of modelling, portraiture, fashion etc

These 2 pictures are my favourites, I like the whole composition of the images. Although I feel they could have been a little better by which I mean that maybe have more sense of the model being a musician.

This picture is also one of my favourites, I like the way you can see some of the studio lighting equipment in the background.

I feel this picture could have been alot better, its a little too bright and the whole pose doesn't look right.

Photographer research - Lynn Goldsmith

Tina Turner

Lynn Goldsmith has had a long career of photographing celebrities and rock musicians, both household names and rising stars. Yet, in every portrait, she is able to capture something intimate or personal in the performer. That’s why Lynn Goldsmith, who has shot some of music’s most notable icons, is herself a legend in rock photography” said Tracy Mack-Jackson, a Senior Manager at Nikon Inc.

Lynn goldsmith is an award winning portrait photographer and her work has appeared on the covers of Rolling Stone, People and Time. She has photographed some of the most influential people in the entertainment industry and has published many books.

Keith Richards

Photographer research - Gered Mankowitz

His most famous Image of Jimmy Hendrix

Gered Mankowitz first started working with the Rolling Stones in 1965 and produced several album covers for them, he continued working with them until 1967 by which he was then established as one London's leading rock photographers.
Over the past 45 years Mankowitz has continued to work within the music buisness and also supplying magazines celebrity portraits. Also taking award winning images for the advertising industry.
He now mainly writes books, has his own studio and lectures within a college.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Photographer Research - Ian Dickson

Ian Dickson is best known for his punk/new wave photographs in the mid to late seventies in the UK. He has photographed many bands and artists -

Bob Marley

David Bowie

Sex Pistols

Amongst many others

To be continued...........................................................................................................

Photographer Research - Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz is an american photographer who started her career with the famous Rolling stone magazine. in 1973 she became staff photographer, a title which she held for 10 years.
Her intimate photographs of celebrities moulded the Rolling Stone magazine into what it is today. Her most famous image is that of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, the photograph itself being taken just hours before john Lennons death. Annie was the last person to profesionally photograph John Lennon. 

John loved the picture that Annie had taken and John said that Annie had captured their relationship exactly, Yoko Ono looking cold and John clinging onto her. John Lennon's son later went on to recreate the picture of his father and mother.

Annie has gone on to photograph many celebrities and musicians and is not scared to do something different and unique with her work.

The White Stripes

Bono & his wife

Iggy Pop

Annie claimed that she didn't like the word 'Celebrity' and that she was always more interested in what they do than what they were and hopes she catches a little of their personality within the shots.
Annie has photographed many celebrities and musicians and is never scared to try something different with them and unique, to capture these shots she must have an amazing rapor with the people she photographs as they have complete trust in her abilities, this I feel is a very important skill to have as a photographer. I love portrait photography and Annie Leibovitz inspires me to try something unique.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Examples of Band Posters & Flyers

I have chosen these as my inspiration towards my band poster & flyer. Some being from bands I like myself but others because I like the way the posters are, some being very simple down to others being very interesting to look at. Making a good poster or flyer is very important as this is normally the first thing people will notice and tells you a lot about a band or musician or which genre they are.

Band Poster

A poster for a band going on tour -

The reason I chose this image was because of the simplicity of it, which would fit in perfectly with the text I have used. I didn't want the image to be too busy and to get straight to the point. The point being the Bands tour dates and website information.

What I did in Photoshop -
  • Desaturate
  • Brightness - 0, Contrast 71
  • Input Levels - Custom - RGB - 5, 1.02, 252
  • Output Levels - 0, 252
  • Filter - Grain - Intensity - 59, Contrast - 66, Grain Type - Regular
  • Text - Drop Shadow - Blend mode - Luminosity - Opacity, 100% - Angle 30 (use global light), Distance - 79px, Spread - 30%, Size -57px, Noise - 43%, - Flatten Image -