Wednesday 29 September 2010

Taking Pictures To Turn Into Band Flyers & Posters

Today our task was to go out into Burton and take pictures so we could then turn them into band flyers/posters.

Here are the pictures I took -

I decided to go with the following picture because I loved the extremeness of the image, after using photoshop the image became even more extreme and I loved the colours. I decided to use an internet tutorial to blend the text into the wall to make it also look like it was graffiti, although it didn't come out exactly how I wished it had, I had wanted it to become more like graffiti and blend in a little better. All in all I am very happy with my efforts and first go at making something like this.

Through Photoshop I -  
  • Inverted the picture
  • Used Vibrance (+86 +100)
  • With Variations I chose "More Magenta"
  • I then used a filter "Poster Edges" (Edge thickness 2, Intensity 1, Poster 2)
For the text - Dulsan - A means of combat - 8/9/10 - I used a tutorial from the internet as I had never used photoshop for text effects (Link to be posted as soon as I can find it)

Link to Text Tutorial -

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Create your own CD cover

  • Visit Flickr's "Most Interesting" page from the last 7 day's
  • Copy the 3rd picture on that page into photoshop
  • Crop it to a square CD format size
  • You must use the photo no matter what you feel about it

  • Generate a name for your band by using Wikipedias "Random Page" Selector tool
  • Use the title on whichever page pops up - no matter how weird or strange that name sounds!

  • Finally, generate an album title by going to Wickipedias quotations page, click on the  "Random quote" selector tool, and use, no matter what the four words turn out to be!
Put all 3 elements together, play around with font/colour/size etc

Research into band photography - Idea's/Inspiration

Wednesday 22nd September - Further research into our idea's on photography for bands.

  • Live shots/From concerts & Gigs
  • On location shots - Field/On a building/Cheesy copy of the Beatles crossing shot/On the street
  • Studio Shots - Close ups
  • Close up shots of equipment
  • Fish eye shots
  • Individual shots of band members
  • Black & White shots with splashes of colour in places
  • Grungy style shots - Maybe use photoshop for effects

From this we can gain some idea's for photographing our own bands