Monday 27 June 2011

Evaluation - I-D Magazine

We started off on our own in this Wednesday assignment and then we got put into groups, although I don’t mind working within a group I prefer working on my own ideas etc.
I found working in our groups became a lot easier when we all put our ideas together and I feel like we have worked well within our team and we each had a job to do.
Taylor and Alex are Graphics based and worked on the magazine layout, Charlotte worked on the styling and make up on our models and I did the photography.

I think our overall idea has come across really well in our final piece, having Rave and New Romanticism fused together has produced a really bold, colourful and strong fashion image which Rave and New romanticism are both youth cultures and I believe this is what we have achieved in our magazine, a unique individual magazine which I-D is after all.

The only thing I would do again is maybe allow myself more time to spend with my group, as I have had a few days off due to personal reasons etc.

I think if we did it again I would research our male models make up more thoroughly
As it is supposed to represent “new romantic styled make up” and I feel it could have been done better and it could have looked stronger than it does.

Our female model was perfect, she was a natural in front of the camera and I could direct her really well and she seemed to enjoy it, which made our pictures better.

I have enjoyed doing this assignment as its made us research into areas most if us have never photographed before and we all enjoy music and fashion.

Evaluation - Band Identity

To be done.....